Patch-N-Go Kit 【Alpacka Raft】

¥1,190¥2,100 (+税)

Patch-N-Go is a great long lasting repair film for our urethane coated fabrics. The Patch-N-Go kit is a great addition to your general repair kit, while the 3-foot long roll is a good option for long expeditions or splitting with friends to top of your Patch-N-Go kits.




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Patch-N-Goはアルパカラフトのウレタン生地と相性の良い、恒久的なリペア用パッチです。リペアした部分が乾くのに必要な時間はわずか10分位で、完了したらそのまま漕ぎ出せます。エマージェンシーキットにアルパカPatch-N-Goキットを是非加えてください。機内持ち込み可能です。接着剤は必要ありません。このアルパカPatch-N-Goキットは直径3.8cm× 高さ7.6cmの防水プラスチックケースに収納されています。

■Patch-N-Go接着テープ 15cm×7.5cm
■洗浄アルコールワイパー 2枚

応急処置に使えるTyvek Tapeタイベックテープ約4.5mを防水プラスチックケースの外側に巻き付けています。

Uses – Patch-N-Go is a good option for a long term clear patch that you can apply in the field. It requires more prep work than Tyvek® Tape to get a functional patch, but it looks better and can be left on permanently.

Preparation – Surfaces must be clean, dry, and free from oil and contaminants. At home, you can use a lint free rag or brush with alcohol or acetone to clean the affected area. In the field, wipe down the area with an alcohol swab. Two swabs are included in the Patch-N-Go kit.


  • For repairing small punctures – Use scissors to trim the patch material to size with rounded edges. The patch should extend at least 1-inch past the edges of the puncture.  Press the patch firmly onto the affected area and use your thumb or the plastic scraper included in the Patch-N-Go kit to smooth out any air bubbles and firm up the bond.
  • For repairing large tears – Use scissors to trim the patch material to size with rounded edges. The patch should extend at least 1.5-inches past the edges of the tear.  Use Tenacious Tape® or similar to apply a backing to the tear. This will add strength to the patch and reduce the stress on the Patch-N-Go. Press the patch firmly onto the affected area and use your thumb or the plastic scraper included in the Patch-N-Go kit to smooth out any air bubbles and firm up the bond.

Removal – Even after a long time, you should be able to peel the Patch-N-Go adhesive off your boat. Apply light heat for sections that are stuck and clean up any residue with alcohol.